These are the presentations which were given at the pre-meeting Education Day in London, the day before the 2012 IPSO Congress
The presentations which you can access are highlighted in blue.
- Peppy Brock: Overview of neuroblastic tumours
- Roly Squire: Infant neuroblastoma- where do we stand?
- Keith Holmes: Operation for advanced neuroblastoma
Bladder-prostate Rhabdomyosarcoma
- Imran Mushtaq: The role of radical surgery
- Helene Martelli: Conservative surgery with brachytherapy
- Henry Mandeville: The radiotherapists view
Wilms Tumour
- Norbert Graf: Wilms tumour: where are we?
- Jan Godzinski: Partial nephrectomy for bilateral Wilms tumours: what really matters?
- Jorg Fuchs: Surgery for vena cava thrombosis in Wilms tumour
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