To raise the level of awareness of IPSO among paediatric surgeons.
To increase the visibility and relevance of IPSO to future members.
To increase IPSO’s membership.
The committee comprises of 7 members.
The Chairman of the committee shall be appointed by the President of IPSO and shall not be an elected member of the Executive Council.
An Executive Council member shall be appointed as member of the New Members Committee.
The Digital Media Director* shall be a member of the committee.
The committee shall develop plans to raise the awareness of IPSO among paediatric surgeons.
The committee shall develop plans to increase IPSO’s membership.
The committee shall serve as a member-support-channel.
The committee shall maximize the use of digital media to reach out to future members.
The New Members Committee shall meet as often as required.
[* Digital Media Director: This is a new appointment that will be responsible for the development of digital media outreach. Includes corporate video, webpage improvement, other social media platforms. The appointment will be made by the EC]