Name of institution: Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron – Vall d´Hebron Campus (Barcelona, Spain)
Type of Programme
Is this a Paediatric Surgical Oncology Programme? Yes
Is this part of a Paediatric General Surgery Programme? Yes
Duration of Programme: 12 months
Hands-on? Yes (* for national and UE trainees)
Brief description of Programme (Limit 250 words)
Vall d´Hebron University Hospital is a tertiary center in pediatric oncology. At a national level, it has been appointed a reference center for all the pediatric cancer national categories (named CSUR, including neuroblastoma and pediatric sarcomas) and internationally, is a member of the PaedCan ERN (European reference network) and has the JACIE accreditation. During their residency, our trainees at Vall d´Hebron spend a total of 12 months dedicated to surgical oncology. This includes the integral care of pediatric patients with oncologic and hematological diseases, from diagnosis to treatment and follow up, including central line insertion, tumor biopsy, tumor resection and management of complications related to multimodal treatment. As a reference center for liver transplant in Spain and the only center with such a program in Catalonia, our trainees take part in complex liver surgeries and liver transplantations for non-resectable tumors. Trainees attend MDT sessions (tumor boards, vascular anomalies committee, etc) and are encouraged to participate in clinical and preclinical research. The program is open to other national and international trainees, as a 6 months maximum stage.
Entry Requirements: The applicants must be already part of an official pediatric surgery programme, national or international, or be already a pediatric surgeon certified.
Funded – No
Programme director or contact person, contact details
Dr. Gabriela Guillén,
Consultant Pediatric Surgeon and Coordinator of the Surgical Oncology and Neonatal Surgery Unit.
Further information: