The next Annual Congress will be held shortly in Cape Town, starting on 7 October 2015. This should be a wonderful opportunity to visit one of the most renowned and beautiful cities in the world, so please put the dates in your diary now, and perhaps start to plan some time off either before or after the meeting to visit a game park, go whale-watching or enjoy the local countryside with its renowned vineyards.


Cape Town 2015121


Further details about this year’s congress, including registration and on-line abstract submission, are available on the 2015 Congress websitePlease remember that you have to have paid your 2015 subscription to be able to take advantage of the reduced registration rates for the annual congress


Pre-meeting Education Day

IPSO regularly holds a pre-meeting education day in paediatric surgical oncology, and Sharon Cox, our local organiser in Cape Town, has arranged the programme for 2015. The day is aimed at both trainees in paediatric surgery and trained surgeons who wish to update their knowledge. The education day is free for delegates to the main congress. The programme for the day and registration is available using the following link Cape Town Education Day. We had hoped that registration for the Education Day would be available at the same time as registering for the main congress, but unfortunately this was not the case. When you are making your plans to attend the 2015 congress please arrive early enough to come to the Education Day, and put your name down in good time for the dinner so that you miss out.

Please note that the Education Day will be held at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in the Rondebosch area of Cape Town, which is a short taxi ride from the main congress site

If you are wondering whether to register for the Education Day on 7 October please have a look at the Provisional Programme here. I am sure you will be convinced that you should attend.

IPSO Annual Dinner

Friday 9 October 2015
7.30 for 8.00pm Venue: Upstairs@Quay 4
V & A Waterfront
Cape Town
South Africa
Price per person: ZAR400

If you are coming to Cape Town please make sure that you sign up for the Annual IPSO dinner. You will see from the information above that Sharon has secured an excellent venue overlooking the waterfront, and at a very reasonable price.

There will be a set menu which will include a 3-course meal, some drinks, and of course the wonderful company of you IPSO colleagues. Year-on-year the dinner has been a highlight of the IPSO calendar, a must for those IPSO members who can attend the Annual Congress. Partners and friends, including oncologists, are always welcome, but there is a limit on the number of places, so please register for the dinner in advance.

Registration can be carried out using the same link as registration for the Pre-meeting Education Day. Payment will mostly be on-site, although there may be an option for advance payment using bank transfer. We ask those who register to pay Sharon as soon as possible when you get to Cape Town. Payment in Cape Town will be in the local currency, Rand (ZAR). More information about payment will be provided at the pre-meeting education day, and at the first sessions of the IPSO Congress, but if you haven’t registered in advance for a ticket on-line we cannot guarantee your seat at the dinner.

The menu will have a vegetarian option, Halaal meat suppliers, and Kosher meals can be ordered in for those who require. More information about the dinner will be posted on the website as it becomes available. Also keep an eye on the IPSO facebook page

IPSO Problem Case Session

The IPSO Congress always includes a problem case session. Over the years this has proved to be one of the most interesting and stimulating sessions at the SIOP/IPSO congress, and is usually attended by oncologists as well as the surgical delegates. The problem case session in Hong Kong was really excellent. Please remember this session when you come across difficult or challenging cases during the year. There should be time for cases submitted in advance as well as current problem cases which delegates would like to bring to the meeting without prior notification.

If you have a case to discuss please contact the session convener, Steven Warmann to make sure that your case will be included in the programme.