These are the presentations which were given at the pre-meeting Education Day in Auckland, the day before the 2011 IPSO Congress
The presentations which you can access are highlighted in blue.
- MRI for paediatric surgeons: David Perry
- Management of differentiated thyroid cancer: Isaac Cranshaw
- Liver tumours in children: what the surgeon should know and when is the liver tumour unresectable?: Piotr Czauderna
- A review of the management of ovarian tumours in young women: Vipul Upadhyay
- Genito-urinary rhabdomyosarcomas: Yves Heloury
- What every paediatric surgical oncologist should know about radiotherapy: Anthony Falkov
- How should I manage the patient with an anterior mediastinal mass and a threatened airway: Niall Wilton/james Hamill
- Surgical management of bony tumours of the pelvis and extremities: Gary French
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